Puppy Classes
Scroll down for sports foundation and agility classes. Classes are semi privates.
If your dog is too reactive for classes, you can always work on the same items in private sessions.
Please note that by booking, you accept our waivers and our policies.
Class start may be pushed up to 3 weeks to allow for class filling.
Puppy Class
If you do not see any classes currently posted, please email us at TailWindsTraining@gmail.com or text 647-233-7343 as we may be arranging a class!
CONGRATULATIONS on your new puppy! This is not only a very special (and adorable!) time, it is also a critical stage where your puppies are little sponges, soaking up experiences and learning how to act. Practice makes perfect, so this is the perfect time to start them off with all of the skills needed to be a stellar canine companion. This course is designed to give your dog ‘toolkits’ on how to appropriately interact with you and their environment. Rather than jumping, biting, pushing, or getting into trouble when not told what to do, these dogs will learn how to voluntarily offer you desired behaviours.
Each session $320+hst, is 7 weeks (seven 55 minute long sessions). This is a semi-private to ensure maximum time to address real life issues. Class may be pushed to the next session if it does not fill, or your registration can be shifted towards privates. Click below to learn more, and to register. Class will be held at our heated/air conditioned/rubberized flooring 200 sqft facility.. Classes are first come, first serve, so please register to save your spot. If you cannot register online, email us at TailWindsTraining@gmail.com
As a welcome, classes include a discount code for future training, roll of poop bags, a bag of treats, and another bag of cookies and discount code from Pet Grocer, and a training bag to put it all in.
This foundational session introduces your dogs to:
- Engagement: orienting to you, eye contact, and recalls (come)
- Manners: polite behaviour around distractions such as doors, food, toys, and other distractions
- Socialization: age appropriate training for sights, sounds, surfaces and distractions
- Relaxation: relaxing on mat, raised bed, or crate
- Handling: comfort being examined, held, and having collars put on/held -
This second level course focuses on lifeskills
- Leash walking: skills to move through space without relying on your leash for control, and how to re-engage your dog when distracted
-Recalling your dog to you (with appropriate distractions)
- Being able to stay in one place while owner is moving / around distractions
- Being able to greet people politely on leash
Progression Examples
This is the recommended progression, as each session is built upon iteratively. Agility classes are only open to those who have done sports foundations, have done agility at other schools, or those already competing. Please note that as an agility club, TailWinds agility levels may be more challenging.